Week 2009
Wednesday February 11, 2009 at 7 PM in Life Science III Auditorium a
free public showing was made of the documentary, Flock
of Dodos: The Evolution -
Intelligent Design Circus. The photo below shows Dr. Laurie
Achenbach (Microbiology) and Dr. Andy Anderson (Zoology) at the podium
introducing the film.
And our special guest for the evening?
Charles Darwin -- well, actually Dr. David Clark from our own
Microbiology Department posing as the famous evolutionary biologist. He
is shown here with a serious face, holding a human skull and a copy of
book The Descent
of Man.
Darwin Dave posing in front of the Diversity
of Life poster.
Darwin Dave in front of the Diversity
of Life poster with a portrait of the real Darwin for
Some of the people at the reception
following the video and panel discussion.
Yes, Darwin did have a sweet tooth!
Before the video and panel discussion,
Dr. David Clark was transformed into Charles Darwin through the skills
of Kathryn Wagner from the Theater Department. Many thanks to her
for volunteering her time and expertise!
A beard on top of a beard.
The final product. A little more
brow ridge and he'd be there!