We’re All Related: Descent with Modification

Darwin Week Art Competition 2016

Some photos of the awards reception

The reception and awards ceremony for the 2016 Art Competition.

Rene Hazel (graduate student, Plant Biology) was the Master of Ceremonies this year.

Rene Hazel addressing the audience.

The second place award winner.

The third place award winner.

Kurt Neubig's son Henry won a "participation award" for his drawing (#10).

Artwork from the 2016 Darwin Week Art Competition

1. First place piece by Zoe Nicholson


3. Colored pencil piece by Trisha Walker.





8. Photo by Nicholas Flowers.


10. Drawing by Henry George Neubig (a very junior participant!)

11. Iris painting by Mrs. Linda Neubig.

12. Turkey painting by Mr. Henry Conrad Neubig.